'Which Hand' Routines Used To Suck...

From needing expensive gimmicks and gadgets, to using complex logic puzzles that confused your spectators more than you impressed them.

Which meant that you would then end up stressing out, panicking and thinking, 'OMG - Is This Going To Work?'

And then your performance would slip.

Perhaps you'd mess something up.

And before you know it, you'd be stuck battling with your own emotions and losing focus, right in the middle of a gig or a performance.

Which isn't ideal, is it?

Look, I've been there before...

I've been playing 'Which Hand' for over 10 years now and had the opportunity to mess it up plenty of times in close-up, on stage and in the virtual world. I could never find a reliable method that worked, so I got to work...

I Created My Own Routines, Under My Own Conditions...

  • No Gimmicks

  • No Logic Puzzles

  • No Setup Required

  • No Awkward Premise

  • No Need To See Their Hands

Watch The Original Routine

Did I End Up Creating The Greatest Which Hand Routine... EVER?

When I first shared my original routine over 2 years ago, it attracted some major attention from many of the greatest thinkers across our industry.

Tickets to the live lecture sold-out 3 times and people were saying INCREDIBLE things about the routine.

Many going as far as to say that what I had developed was; 

'The Holy Grail of Which Hand Routines'.

Attendees were able to perform the full routine immediately, getting a 100% hit rate for each and every round that they performed.

But then I took it off of sale.

Nobody could get their hands on a copy of the lecture and it was never taught anywhere else... 


FINALLY REVEALED: The Which Hand Project by Aidan O'Sullivan

Learn the original routine that took the magic industry by storm and changed the game for the Which Hand plot, forever.

Here's What You'll Get Inside:

  • In-Depth Video Tutorials For The Full-Routine

  • Members-Only Facebook Group

  • Real World Performance Footage

But wait... there's MORE?

Inside this project, I'm also including a series of brand-new updates to the original routine PLUS some of my other, never-seen-before Which Hand routines.


Included at no extra cost, when you join the Project today!

  • 'Scriptless'

    Worth £49

    A brand-new version of the Original Which Hand routine that can be performed WITHOUT the need for a script.

  • Blood In Hand

    Worth £37

    Perform the Which Hand routine with 10 participants stood in a circle around you, hiding a single coin amongst them. This is totally ungimmicked and almost entirely self-working.

  • Which Hand... Why?

    Worth £49

    A 'Spectator As Mind Reader' routine where you can teach someone to be able to divine which hand another spectator is hiding a coin in, whilst also identifying the exact tells that give the location of the coin away. (This is 100% surefire for every round you play)

One Final Thing...

I'm also including my thoughts on using billets, how to choose the best billets and my complete handling of billets when I'm gigging in a close-up environment.

Here's What People Had To Say

“This 'Which Hand' routine is among the best gimmickless approaches I have come across!”

Timothy Krass (Author of 'Which Hand: Method & Philosophy')

“This wasn't just an impressive routine, this is something that I would actually perform myself!”

Michael Murray (Author of 'A Piece Of My Mind')This

“Normally I would be skeptical but I was pleasantly surprised. I can't wait to try this myself.”

Manos Kartsakis (Author of 'V2', 'Unveil' and 'Trojan Horse')

“This lived up to exactly what is being advertised and is as close to the real thing that you can get!”

Justin Saul

“This is immediately going to replace my gimmicks and logic puzzles!”

Graham Uldrich

“This is a tool every magician should know!”

Marc Carrion

Course curriculum

    1. START HERE: What's New?

    2. NEW: Join The 'Stage Show Academy'

    3. How To Study This Project

    4. Join The Facebook Group

    5. A Note On Crediting

    6. BONUS: My Recommended Which Hand Resources

    1. About The Routine

    2. Full (Uncut) Performance

    3. The Methods

    4. Presenting The Routine

    5. Which Hand: Round 1

    6. Which Hand: Round 2

    7. Which Hand: Round 3

    8. Which Hand: Round 4

    9. Additional Thoughts

    10. Scripting & Different Languages

    11. Predicting The Hands

    12. Using A Blindfold

    13. BONUS: Round 5

    14. A Largely Typical Reaction...

    1. Introduction

    2. The Methods

    3. Choosing Your 'Hooks'

    1. Introduction

    2. The Core Method

    3. Full Routine Walkthough

    1. Introduction

    2. The Big Ugly Method

    3. The Small Sneaky Method

    1. The 'Writing Down' Process

    2. My Complete Billet Routine

    3. Choosing Your Billets

About this course

  • £75.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content


  • What's Inside The Which Hand Project?

    You'll get a full tutorial breaking down all of the psychology, methods and nuances behind my signature Which Hand routine so that you can perform it immediately. PLUS, I'm even including 3 never-seen-before Which Hand routines and a series of additional thoughts and handlings when using billets. Oh, and you'll be invited to join our members-only Facebook Group to continue the conversation outside of the project too.

  • Where Can I Perform This?

    EVERYWHERE! I've battle-tested this routine thousands of times on stage, up-close, on Zoom, blindfolded and pretty much anywhere else that you can think of. It just WORKS!

  • Will It Work In My Language?

    Yep. I've made sure to include a bonus module specifically talking about how to adapt the scripts and methods into your own language.

  • How Do I Access The Project?

    As soon as you've clicked the button below and finished checking out, you'll be taken straight through to the private course where all of the videos and trainings are shared.